
Buy a server

Good servers have dual processors if not quad or more. SCSI is the bus interface of choice for a good server. This is because SCSI is faster than EIDE when it comes to disk transfer an you can connect up to 16 devices to a SCSI chain where as you can only have 2 on a EIDE chain. SCSI drives can spin upward to 15K RPM's where as most of the fastest EIDE drives are 7200K or 10K RPM. Good servers have redundant power supplies and hot swappable disks. A hardware RAID solution is also common with fast servers. This is not only for performance but also for data safty. In a RAID-5 setup if any one given disk fails no data is lost and a new disk can be added back to the RAID array with out taking the server down thanks to the hot swap function. Graphics is not a priority with servers so they often have a very basic video card. Dual NICs are common for both redundancy as well as performance. You can configure one nic to listen and one nic to talk or you can set one up to be a fall over.

from: http://www.v7n.com/forums/web-hosting-forum/12075-server-vs-pc.html

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