MySQL replication allows you to have an exact copy of a database from a master server on another server (slave), and all updates to the database on the master server are immediately replicated to the database on the slave server so that both databases are in sync. (instrested in how this being set up, check it out here,
My compare have two web servers, and the replication is turning on. We use below php file to check the replication status.
$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'password') or die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error());
mysql_select_db('production') or mail('', 'www cannot connect', $message);
$query = 'SHOW SLAVE STATUS';$result = mysql_query($query) or die('Query failed: ' . mysql_error());
$line = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
if ( $line["Slave_SQL_Running"] != "Yes" or $line["Slave_IO_Running"] != "Yes" ) {
$message = $line["Last_Error"]; mail('', 'www replication failure', $message);
During the development, we created a database on slave DB, and today we were going to move the code to production, so we created a database on master DB. It used the samed name as the same one on slave DB, but having nothing in there. A few minutes later, we got email telling us the repliation failed.
Here is a solution:
On Slave:
1. In phpMyAdmin export the Database (For example, named A)
2. Drop the Database (A)
3. logon mysql, run command: START SLAVE (It would try to rerun the queries)
On Master:
1. Drop the Database (A);
2. Create a Database using different name (B)
On Slave:
Import the Database using the Export file.
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