
How to install phpmyadmin - ubuntu 11.04

After installing LAMP server, phpmyadmin is not installed. phpMyAdmin make life easier at least I like it. Here is how to install it in ubuntu 11.04,
 sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-auth-mysql phpmyadmin
 It's staightforward, although you need to provide some information, like server type, (Choose Apache), Database root password, phpMyAdmin Root password, etc.
And them restart apache by,
 sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart
 And try http://localhost/phpmyadmin/, If it does not work, then try the following,
Copy the content of apache configuration file at /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf into /var/apache2/http.conf (http.conf was empty in my case) and then restart the apache. OK, then the link, http://localhost/phpmyadmin/ should work.


  1. For some reason, /var/apache2 did not exist. When I created the apache2 folder and then copied the apache2.conf file to that folder as http.conf it does not work. I will figure out the steps I hosed and report back. Bah. ;-)

  2. Doh! I didn't check the [ ] Apache server. I just highlighted it. It's all good. ;-) Thanks for the tip. I just reran the install: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow phpmyadmin

  3. thanks a lot for ur suggestions friends
